Thank You, Freelancing

Fleire posted a well-meaning note in Facebook today. It’s all about saying thank you to freelancing. I’ve been doing the job for three years–the longest I have so far–and I must admit it was never really a smooth ride.

Along the way, I lost clients; gained doubts and few enemies; spent plenty of time for nothing; got scammed; was ignored, rejected, thrown on the side, and barraged with hurtful criticisms; and wronged people. There were also times when I thought I was itching to leave everything behind–but never did (thankfully).

It could be because as a whole the job–as well as the journey–has been truly rewarding.

I’m thankful for the experience, the trust and loyalty, the good pay, and the good life. I’m thankful I’m allowed to do something I find challenging and fulfilling at the same time.

PS: Yuwanda of Inkwell Editorial wrote a beautiful freelance thanksgiving prayer.

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4 Comments on “Thank You, Freelancing”

  1. katrina says:

    I’m so happy you made it! 😀

  2. Karla says:

    Hey, Lem,

    Freelancing is a very brave business. Hats off to you! I don’t think I could ever be that brave (unless I had a million pesos in my bank account right now). I’m happy for you that you got it going. I’m hoping one day I could also do that!

    Take care and hope you’re well.

  3. lemonsito says:

    Thanks, Kar! It’s funny, “bravery” is a word I never learned to use to describe freelancing until now. I am not so sure how long I can do this, so I’m trying to be wise by saving and pursuing other fields. Hopefully, if this stint doesn’t work out for me anymore, I have something to fall back on.

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